Dojang Academy
Client: Master Martial Arts
Location: Tampa.FL
Size: 12,000 SF / 2.20 Acres
Scope: Architectural New Construction Schematic Design + Feasibility Study
Completed: 2013

The Master Academy : DOJANG is designed based upon the oriental symbol “Yin-Yang”, meaning “shadow + light” or “dark/cold + bright/warm”. The buildings placement on the site incorporates this concept of balance for not only the necessary built elements, but also provides a deliberate focus towards the surrounding natural environment. The building form was developed as a literal interpretation of “solid + void” elements, represented by interweaving spaces of active/public [transparent] + passive/private [solid] occupant functions. Similar to the ideas of “Yin-Yang”, the functional adjacencies of the building plan are placed in a successive/balanced order to promote a harmonious state of movement from one space to another.
Materials + coloration have also been selected for the building to compliment the concepts “Yin-Yang” and Korean symbolism. Again proceeding with the idea of “shadow + light”, the “white” entry element has been designed to not only provide the “light” for a clear point of entry, but has been extended along the east facade from front-to-back, inside and out, acting as a path of travel to all active/public spaces. The glass walls, represented as the “void”, bordering the active/public spaces, have been tinted as blue + red to represent the state of harmony of “Yin and Yang”. The use of the wood banding element, along the top of edge of the glass, represents the transition or visual connection from the built interior, to the natural exterior. Furthermore, the downward extension + separation of the wood banding [broken bars] along the east facade, has been placed to control the heat gain, glare + intensity of “Yang” or natural light. Finally, the “charcoal” concrete walls were selected to represent + surround the passive/active or “Yin/dark” spaces of the building. The placement of these solid elements also provide visual + sound protection from the surrounding “built environment”, to insure a controlled tranquil experience within the Academy.