Vaco Tampa HQ
Client: Vaco Recruiting
Location: Tampa.FL
Size: 3,650 SF [Build-Out]
Scope: Architecture + Interior Design Tenant Improvement
Completed: 2013

Fab, Unconventional, Distinctive... This is VACO Tampa! Our staff knows a thing or two about cool offices. Their life’s work is dedicated to putting the right people into the right jobs, so our newly designed office reflects the pride the team has in its work. “VACO folks are proud of the work they do... and our space reflects that pride. It’s a joy to come to work in a beautiful environment + it’s a great motivator to try to match the office’s energy,” No Tampa Bay company had more third-party nominations for Coolest Office Space than Vaco. Our space seems to inspire people to talk about it after they come to visit. Clients come in the form of people looking for work + work looking for people. “The design puts any visitor at ease. We allow clients to use our space as an extension of their own office in the event an interview needs to be done in private. Our home is theirs.” Bradley Hewett : Managing Partner